Teenage Funky Flute is a fresh and vibrant flute tutor from the 'queen of cool' - Heather
Hammond. Teenage Funky Flute show young flautists everything they need to know, including how to
hold the flute, getting a good sound and how to read music. Naturally, it is packed with fun-to-play pieces
in Heather's inimitable style.

Teenage Funky Flute - Book 1 Student


Product Code: 3612212

Teenage Funky Flute - Book 1 Teacher


Product Code: 3612213

Teenage Funky Flute - Book 2 Student


Product Code: 3612297

Teenage Funky Flute - Book 2 Teacher


Product Code: 3612301

Teenage Funky Flute Repertoire - Book 1 Student

Product Code: 3612214

Teenage Funky Flute Repertoire - Book 1 Teacher

Product Code: 3612215

Teenage Funky Flute Repertoire - Book 2 Student

Product Code: 3612298

Teenage Funky Flute Repertoire - Book 2 Teacher

Product Code: 3612300